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Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
4/4/2008  5:31:00 PM
anonymous. Are you going to say who or where you were told to twist your body, which means that your hips are lined up to go in one direction and your shoulders the other. I have found one only where a twist in the body is mentioned and that was on the introductory step to get a bigger swing onto step one. Even that is debatable.
So when do you think a twist will be entered into the Technique books. Will we ever see it. It would be like giving a child a loaded gun, especially one named Anonymous.
Just a word on the poise for Tango. Walking movements in the Tango are not taken with the man square to the LOD. When a step is taken down the LOD his feet and body will be facing almost diagnal to the centre, with his right hip and shoulder in advance of his left. Question . Even then do you see a twist in the spine. Of course not, we must have a strong looking shoulders and back.
Your not the Anonymous who reckoned a Back Lock in the Quickstep had the hips going one way and the right shoulder not going back with the right foot. It was you wasn't it. With some of those weird ideas about falling onto a step. On the 10.17 ( it must have been 06 ) You said You should fall past your standing foot. Also you wrote There is no mid point on a walk. That is the front foot on the heel and the back foot on the toe both legs straight and the weight at that moment at what is called a mid- point , right in the middle, but still moving as is clearly stated in the Technique Books. And then they had the audacity to say.
My aim is to establish sufficient doubt in the minds of other dancers, who seriously want to improve.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by anymouse
4/5/2008  8:00:00 AM
"anonymous. Are you going to say who or where you were told to twist your body"

As I've explained to your numerous times in this thread, reverse turns have the lower body begin to turn before the upper body does. This necessarily results in a twist of the torso - regardless if the teacher chooses to use that word or not.

Plus I see you've dismissed Jonathan's examples out of hand.

"which means that your hips are lined up to go in one direction and your shoulders the other."

No, both swing purely forward. Rotation does not affect direction of travel.

"So when do you think a twist will be entered into the Technique books."

Never, it's too advanced and subtle a concept for what is necessarily a quite basic presentation. The books present some important foundation concepts, but do not begin to describe the activity in a real dancer's body.

This is mostly likely the same reason that this, and all those other concepts misunderstood over the years that you just recatalogued are beyond your grasp. You have not yet had sufficient foundation training to develop an understanding of dancing that is ready to include them. Because you don't understand what you are talking about, you mix up the words in your restatements and turn them into nonsense.

If you want to understand dancing, you need to embark on an aggressive program of in person lessons with a teacher who has a history of training champions. Simply reading the books and going to the lectures won't do - there's too many important concepts that cannot be communicated in such an impersonal way.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
4/5/2008  4:53:00 PM
Anonymous. first I have not dismissed Jonathan out of hand. His example of the Basic Foxtrot beers very little difference to the way I have been taught. In which I can not see any twisting of the spine. To to the dictionary and define what is twisting.
Just to get on common ground here. when we turn our side which includes the hips as well as the shoulders. From what part of the body is the left side leading come from . Alex Moore and I am sure Henry Jacques ( who did win the British in 34 35 36 ). Alex Forward Walk Turning. Step forward with the RF and at the same time swing the Left hip and shoulder forward.
Backward Turn to the Right. Step back left foot and at the same time Swing the Right hip and shoulder backwards.
The reason there is no mention of twisting the body ( which is to bend curl or mishape) is because there isn't any. It might help if you could inform me on exactly which step you believe there is a twisting of the body ( which means bend) on this site in Learn the Dances.. Foxtrot will do.
Some of the others might come in on this one. In any of the books that have been written on the Technique of Ballroom dancing does any of them mention that the body is twisting , even slightly or even in such a manner that it is undetectable to the naked eye.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by anymouse
4/5/2008  6:11:00 PM
"In which I can not see any twisting of the spine."

Yet he told you it is there in his dancing... You are dismissing him out of hand, simply because his comment goes beyond your limited experience of dancing.

"when we turn our side which includes the hips as well as the shoulders."

The twist comes from turning hips and shoulders by different amounts.

"In any of the books that have been written on the Technique of Ballroom dancing does any of them mention that the body is twisting"

How many times have I pointed out to you in this thread that the concept is too advanced for the basic presentation the books are intended to provide?

The problem here is that your own experience of dancing does not go beyond the beginner level of the books - and even that you get somewhat mixed up.

You can obstinately spend the rest of your life dancing at this beginner level if you choose, but the rest of us will continue learning about these more advanced details of body action that you refuse to contemplate.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by nigelgwee
4/6/2008  10:55:00 AM
Wow! 101 messages: Is this a record?

This thread may soon be banished to the nether regions of this message board. I've not read all the posts, and have used the "Newest on top" Sort order. With that in mind, I would like to comment on the two most recent posts by Serendipidy and anymouse, respectively.

In particular, the following statements:

Serendipidy: "The reason there is no mention of twisting the body ( which is to bend curl or mishape) is because there isn't any."

anymouse: "The twist comes from turning hips and shoulders by different amounts."

I think both our esteemed contributors are meaning different things for the word "twist." It appears Serendipidy is referring more to unwarranted sway (or worse, "breaking of sides"), while anymous is referring to a differential in the amount of rotation of the hips and shoulders for promenade (and possibly also for the OP position). Both are correct, if those are their intended meanings.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
4/6/2008  3:28:00 PM
nigelwee. "Last words by me on this is from Alex Moore who said. If a forward turn to the Right is made it is far more important to feel a forward swing of the Left side than a conscious twist of the body to the right".
If a twist becomes part of a persons dancing it can only be concerning CBM and CBMP.
" CBMP is a Foot Position.... Contrary Body Movement POSITION.
That leaves CBM. In CBM according to Moore " Care must be taken not to turn the shoulders independently. Therein lies the problem. When you break it down it couldn't go in another direction could it.
For me I am taught to drive the spine in the direction I am going. If for instance on the second and third step of a Reverse Turn in Foxtrot I introduced a twisting of the spine would I go back straight down the LOD with my third step or would I wander. Cheers
The main part of my argument has always been that the spine , which is our centre does not get twisted but remains as our driving force in the direction we are going.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by anymouse
4/6/2008  7:59:00 PM
First off, you are once again dismissing out of hand Jonathan's examples, which he described as including a body twist in the basic hold.

"CBMP is a Foot Position"

This is a classic case of the difference between the quite limited presentation in the book, and the much more involved reality of what a student is eventually trained to do by a live teacher.

Yes, CBMP is a foot position. But putting your foot in that position has an impact on the configuration of the torso! And when we step into the across in CBMP position of a promenade while keeping our upper body aligned to our partner, the necessity of some twist in our spine is impossible to ignore.

"That leaves CBM. In CBM according to Moore " Care must be taken not to turn the shoulders independently."

That does no mean that shoulders and hips will always turn in exact unison. I n fact, in the paragraph right before your quote Moore suggests that one might feel the movement of forwards turns initiated in the shoulder and that of backwards turns initiated in the hips. Or in more modern usage, reverse turns are commonly taught with the rotation of the lower body commencing a little sooner than that of the upper.

You must also give due consideration to Moore's stated concern: "or an ugly dipping movement will result". If a dancer under their teacher's skillful guidance incorporates an appropriate degree of spinal twist in assorted places and does not suffer an "ugly dipping movement" then they must not be committing the particular fault that Moore was warning about.

"For me I am taught to drive the spine in the direction I am going."

Me too - but drive and rotation are two different variables. There's a far simpler-to-apply rule for keeping them in proportion: if you are moving forward, your forward movement must be great enough in comparison to your rotation that no part of your body is allowed to move backwards in space. If that occurs, and perhaps your left hand goes backwards then your rotation has overwhelmed your movement,

"The main part of my argument has always been that the spine , which is our centre does not get twisted but remains as our driving force in the direction we are going."

And the main reality of dancing has always been that the spine does twist in many situations, even as it drives forward.

You can refuse to learn about this aspect of dancing for the rest of your life if that's what you choose, but the rest of us are happy to keep learning such details from the best teachers.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by terence2
4/7/2008  1:51:00 AM
Lets bring some perspective to the discussion.

Always remember , much of the advanced theories, are just that-- THEORIES .

As Scrivener put it, there can be no absolute technique .

To be dogmatic about an idea, suggests that " this way ", is the only way .

I suspect I have been teaching longer than before most of you were born.

I was trained by the ones who trained the ones, who trained the ones, who trained the ones, you give as references .

What you state, in some cases, may again evolve into a new paradigm ( as I have learned ).

Dance is OPINION in many cases .

Choose what suits your situation , and amend it as necessary .

One last quote from Len-- " Too much rise is as bad as too little " .

A good metaphor to consider .
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
4/7/2008  2:56:00 AM
Some of the writters out there seem to me to be using words and changing the meaning. Body torque does not mean twist. Torque means a force that tends to cause rotation. Rotation you can have and need. But to turn your top half to a different angle to your bottom half by twisting your spine is not neccessary. Go and ask your Physio how sensible that is.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by terence2
4/7/2008  3:04:00 AM
Alright lets get this clear-- torque is an action that is created by rotation against a STATIONARY point --

as in-- place the feet ( foot )in a fixed position, and rotate the body from the ANKLE(S )upwards to the desired degree , in an opposite direction (L or R ) .

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